Divisions and Structure
Divisions and Branches
The roles of the divisions of Singapore Customs are as follows:
Checkpoints Division
Air Checkpoints Branch
Land Checkpoints & Operations Branch
Sea Checkpoints Branch
The main roles of the Checkpoints Division include:
Providing essential customs services at the major checkpoints
Strengthening the security and resilience of Singapore’s supply chain at the checkpoints
Harmonising and aligning customs clearance processes and operational policies at the checkpoints
Compliance Division
Company Compliance & Audit Branch
Permits Compliance Branch
Schemes & License Management Branch
The main roles of the Compliance Division include:
Conducting compliance checks on trade transactions and auditing companies on all customs requirements, including those under the respective free trade agreements and under the strategic goods regime
Conducting assessments and validations on companies for customs schemes and mutual recognition discussions with other customs authorities
Data Division
Data Analysis & Governance Branch
Data Engineering Branch
The main roles of the Data Division include:
Formulating and driving Customs’ data strategy for effective and secure exploitation of data
Establishing and implementing data governance frameworks and processes to ensure data integrity, quality, and compliance with relevant regulations and standards
Developing and implementing Data Analytics, Machine Learning, and AI solutions to support Customs’ mission
Designing, developing, and operationalising Customs’ Unified Data Platform and its related data pipelines
Human Resource (HR) Directorate
HR Development Branch
HR Management Branch
HR Planning Branch
Learning & Organisation Development Branch
Singapore Customs Academy
Lead Psychologist Office
The main roles of the HR Directorate include:
Attracting, retaining and developing talent for Singapore Customs
Developing staff capability and competencies
Implementing a total rewards and recognition system for staff
Enhancing employee experience and serving as the primary interface with staff on all HR related matters
Driving change management and to build a desired organisational culture
Information Technology Directorate
Application Services Branch
Digital Development Branch
IT Governance Branch
Technical Services Branch
The main roles of the Information Technology Directorate include:
Spearheading the development of Singapore Customs’ digitalisation plan and identifying business transformational opportunities in partnership with the Divisions
Harnessing technologies to help achieve Singapore Customs’ mission and create greater value for Singapore Customs
Enabling the strategic deployment of digital technologies and providing quality digital services and infrastructure to achieve the business objectives and operational needs
Formulating and implementing ICT governance, security and risk management framework
Developing and operating Singapore Customs' digital product that is critical to Singapore
Planning and managing ICT projects, contracts, systems, and assets
Collaborating with stakeholders to drive innovation, solve the right problems, and improve processes and services through digital technologies
Intelligence & Investigation Division
Analysis & Targeting Branch
Intelligence Branch
Operations Management Branch
Operations Policy & Development Branch
Prosecution Branch
Special Investigation Branch
Suppression & Community Engagement Branch
Trade Investigation Branch
The main roles of the Intelligence & Investigation Division include:
Providing intelligence support
Providing operations management functions to support enforcement officers
Conducting analysis and targeting of shipments and entities for enforcement actions
Conducting surveillance and investigations to suppress duty evasion and syndicate smuggling
Identifying and investigating cases of commercial fraud
Conducting risk review and working with stakeholder branches to formulate strategies and implement control measures on risk elements identified
Handling prosecution cases and providing legal advice on arrest and Customs cases
Driving community engagement to heighten public awareness and maintain public confidence in the enforcement of customs laws
Ops-Tech & Management Division
Administration & Logistics Branch
Finance Branch
TradeNet Office
Transformation Office
The main roles of the Ops-Tech & Management Division include:
Providing the functions of office administration, facilities management and security
Managing Singapore Customs’ monetary resources and providing the full range of financial management services
Managing Singapore Customs’ infrastructure projects
Managing the operations of TradeNet and spearheading the strategic planning, development, and implementation of future enhancements to TradeNet
Driving Customs Transformation by partnering with business leads, involving Customs staff, and leveraging info-comm technology and ops-tech integration
Planning, Communication & International Division
Corporate Communications Branch
International Relations Branch
Planning & Research Branch
The main roles of the Planning, Communication & International Division include:
Driving Singapore Customs’ strategic and corporate planning processes and plans
Pursuing enterprise-wide policy formulation
Participating in international/regional customs meetings and free trade agreement negotiations
Managing internal and external communications, as well as media relations to uphold Singapore Customs reputation.
Trade Division
Free Trade Zone Branch
Procedures & Systems Branch
Tariffs & Trade Services Branch
Trade Security Branch
Trade Strategy & Development Branch
The main roles of the Trade Division include:
Developing and maintaining an efficient trade framework that meets Singapore Customs’ revenue and trade facilitation objectives, including administration of various customs schemes
Providing advice on the valuation and classification of goods
Providing advice on rules of origin for preferential tariff treatment under various FTAs
Administering the Secure Trade Partnership programme to provide companies with a framework to guide the development, implementation, monitoring and review of the company’s supply chain security measures
Promoting engagement and partnership with trade
Formulating effective policies and making legislative amendments to the Free Trade Zone Act
Driving trade transformation, strategy and policy work related to trade facilitation/revenue protection and international data connectivity goals
Safeguarding trade flows through the implementation of an effective supply chain security framework, a robust strategic goods control regime, and United Nations Security Council sanctions resolutions
Networked Trade Platform Office
Operations Branch
Programmes & Engagement Branch
The main roles of the Networked Trade Platform Office include:
Spearheading the development of services and managing the operations of the Networked Trade Platform (NTP)
Facilitating trade by enhancing the flow of trade-related information and data to support efficient physical flow of goods and payments
Enabling businesses to efficiently share and reuse data with the government and business partners, thereby streamlining processes and reducing inefficiencies of manual trade document exchange
Developing Government-to-Government digital trade connectivity
Supporting digital connections with foreign trade platforms and systems